PDF files of presentations
- Belishev Geometrization of rings as a method for solving inverse problems
- Beylkin Nonlinear inversion of a bandlimited Fourier transform
- Colin de Verdière An semi-classical inverse spectral problem
motivated by passive imaging in seismology PDF file
- Ehrenpreis The strip theorem for pde
- Finch Mathematics of thermoacoustic tomography
- Gindikin Explicit inversion formulas for curved problems
of integral geometry
- Greenleaf Cloaking devices and invisibility
PDF file
- de Hoop Sensitivity analysis of wave-equation tomography:
A multi-scale approach
- Katsevich Motion compensated image reconstruction in tomography
PDF file
- Kuchment On reconstructions in thermoacoustic tomography
PDF file
- Lassas Broken geodesics and inverse problems
for radiative transfer equation PDF file
- Louis Feature reconstruction in tomography
- Natterer Incomplete data in wave equation reflection imaging
- Novikov On Wiener type filters in SPECT
Päivärinta Calderòn problem in 2D
- Stefanov Boundary rigidity, lens rigidity and analytic
microlocal analysis PDF file
Sharafutdinov Slice-by-slice reconstruction algorithm
for vector tomography with incomplete data
- Quinto Support theorems and microlocal analysis