Erik Alm, Hannover Re - Sweden, Stockholm | Actuarial education in Sweden and Europe |
Gunnar Andersson, Folksam, Stockholm | Some mathematical aspets of the new European regime in insurance, new ideas
regarding Solvency and Occupational Pension through the eyes of EIOPA |
Søren Asmussen, Aarhus University | Recent results on the ruin time with heavy tail |
Andrew Cairns, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh | Robust Modelling and Management of Longevity Risk |
Younes Elong / Ellinor Samuelsson, Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority, Stockholm | Standard Formula - Solvency II / Internal Models - Solvency II |
Paul Embrechts, ETH, Zürich | Risk Aggregation |
Hanspeter Schmidli, University of Cologne | An explicit expression for the Gerber-Shiu function with an application to risk measures |
Mogens Steffensen, University of Copenhagen | From Utility Optimization to Good Advice and Good Product Design |
Jozef Teugels, Catholic University of Leuven | Some Issues on the Extreme Value Index |
Mario Wüthrich, ETH, Zürich | From Ruin Theory to Solvency in Non-Life Insurance |