
Harald Cramér

Scandinavian Actuarial Journal





Submission of papers/abstracts


Accomodation and meals

Social programme



International Cramér Symposium
on Insurance Mathematics

Stockholm, June 11 - 14, 2013

Mathematical Statistics, Stockholm University



Registration and payment

Please read through the general information below before starting to register. To register to the conference please do so HERE
Registration will close on 15 May, 2013.

Registration fees

The registration fee for participants includes admission to the scientific programme, conference materials, and social program (refreshments, conference dinner, excursions). The registration fee for accompanying persons includes admission to social program (refreshments, conference dinner, excursions). The City of Stockholm is the host of the welcome reception and it is free of charge for all registered participants of the symposium and their accompanying persons.

Registration fee:
  • Academia and Industry 4000 SEK (3200 SEK + VAT)
  • Students and PhD students 1500 SEK (1200 SEK + VAT)
  • Accompanying persons 1000 SEK (800 SEK + VAT)

VAT is included according to Swedish law.
Information about VAT reclaim process

Note : 1 Euro is approximately 8.50 SEK, and 1 USD is approximately 7 SEK

Payment methods

Credit card
If you are paying with credit card, which we prefer due to secure tracing of payee, make sure to have it at hand when you fill in the form.

Payment is made via the conference's on-line registration form (will open from first week of September 2012). The transaction is processed via a secured connection to your bank. Your credit card number will not be saved in our database. A transaction number, which is the proof of payment, will be given upon registration confirmation. Please keep it for future references.

To protect customers from fraud, most banks have raised the security of shopping online. This means that you have to activate a code and a password in order to pay with your credit card on the Internet. If you have not activated Verified by Visa / MasterCard Secure Code or have questions about what applies, please contact your bank.
Bank transfer
Please note that you need to register as a participant (using the link HERE) before making a payment. Please allow enough time for bank transfers to be received by May 15, 2013. Your registration will be finally confirmed by email upon receipt of bank statement of the payment, sent by e-mail to cramerreg@konf.su.se or by fax (+46 8 16 19 25). If you have not received such a confirmation within three weeks after payment, please contact the organizer at: cramerreg@konf.su.se

Please send payment in Swedish Krona (SEK) to:
Stockholm University
Bank; Swedbank, 105 34 Stockholm
Account no: 890119243778462
IBAN: SE7480000890119243778462

or, for Scandinavian residents, to:
Bankgiro; 812-0677

Please state, in the information field of your payment (on all money transfers) 5964515/ and the order number received on the confirmation of your registration to the conference.

The conference organizer will not be responsible for identifying funds transferred directly into the account when the reference information above is not mentioned, nor will the conference organizer accept charges of bank fees associated with the transfer.


Cancellations of participation, including participation in the social programme, must be made in writing cramerreg at konf.su.se If cancellations have been done before or on May 15, 2013, the registration fee will be refunded minus an administrative fee of 500 SEK. Later cancellations will not be refunded.


  • Questions regarding registration or payment may be sent to:
    Stockholm University Conference Services
    SE-106 91 Stockholm
    or to the e-mail address: cramerreg@konf.su.se
  • Questions regarding the scientific programme may be sent to the e-mail address of the Organizing Committee: icsim at math.su.se