Department of Mathematics
Stockholm University

Research Reports in Mathematics
Reports published year 2005

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1 Alexey Shchuplev. Integral representation formulas\\ associated with toric varieties.
2 S.P. Chulkov. On convergence of formal solutions to a system of PDE's.
3 Samuel Lundqvist. An algorithm to determine the Hilbert series for graded associative algebras.
4 A.G. Khovanskii, S.P. Chulkov. Hilbert polynomial for a system of linear partial differential equations.
5 Yanheng Ding, Andrzej Szulkin. Bound states for semilinear Schrödinger equations with sign-changing potential.
6 Alexander Berglund. Poincaré series and homotopy Lie algebras of monomial rings.
7 Nils Sjögren. The Model Theory of Fields with a Group Action.
8 Bruno Fabre. Dolbeault cohomology and locally residual currents on projective varieties.

[Report archive][Dept Math]