Department of Mathematics
Stockholm University

Research Reports in Mathematics
Reports published year 2004

[Report archive][Dept Math]

1 David Jacquet. C-convex domains with C2-boundary.
2 Jesper Carlström. Interpreting Descriptions in Intensional Type Theory.
3 Jesper Tidblom. A Hardy inequality in the half-space.
4 Kanishka Perera, Andrzej Szulkin. $p$-Laplacian Problems where the Nonlinearity Crosses an Eigenvalue.
5 Daniela Ferrarello, Ralf Fröberg. The Hilbert series of the clique complex.
6 Niclas Larson. En plattas vridning och translation under inverkan av en partikel med given bana.
7 Niclas Larson. Volym i $R^n$ och en utvidgning av Pythagoras sats.
8 Jens Brage. A natural interpretation of classical proofs.
9 Vincent A. Ssembatya. On Entropy of Quotients.
10 Veronica Crispin Quiñonez. Minimal reductions of monomial ideals.

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