Department of Mathematics
Stockholm University

Research Reports in Mathematics
Reports published year 2001

[Report archive][Dept Math]

1 Magnus Carlehed. The Lempert function in the bidisc - a partial computation.
3 P.Kurasov, J.Larson. Spectral asymptotics for Schr\"odinger operators with periodic point interactions.
4 P.Kurasov. $ { H}_{-n} $-perturbations of self-adjoint operators\\ and Krein's resolvent formula.
5 Vincenzo Micale. Normal maximal ideal in one-dimensional local rings.
6 Christophe Mourougane. Interpolation in non-positively curved K\"ahler manifolds.
7 P.Kurasov, F.Stenberg. On the inverse scattering problem on branching graphs.
8 Hans Rullgård. Polynomial amoebas and convexity.
9 Gongbao Li, Andrzej Szulkin. An asymptotically periodic Schr\"odinger equation\\ with indefinite linear part.
10 Vinzenco Micale, Giovanni Molica, Barbara Torrisi. Order bases of subalgebras of $k[[X]]$.
11 Jesper Carlström. Wheels \\ --- \\ On Division by Zero.
12 P.Kurasov, S.Naboko. On the essential spectrum of a class of singular matrix differential operators. I \\ Quasiregularity conditions and essential self-adjointness.
13 Tanja Bergkvist, Hans Rullgård. On polynomial eigenfunctions for a class of differential operators.
14 Pelle Salomonsson. Topics in Algebraic Geometry.
15 Anna Larsson. A periodisation of semisimple Lie algebras.
16 Jesper Tidblom. A geometrical version of Hardy's inequality for $\stackrel{\circ}{\textrm{W}}{\!}^{1,p}(\Omega)$.

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