Jan-Erik Björk's broad mathematical interest include large parts of Algebra, Analysis and Geometry, and the theme of this conference lies at the crossroads of these fields. In addition to his many research articles he has written two highly influential monographs on differential operators and D-modules. Jan-Erik Björk is also an accomplished sculpturer, with many pieces permanently exhibited around the world.
Invited speakers:
Daniel Barlet (Nancy) |    Claude Sabbah (Palaiseau) |
Alicia Dickenstein (Buenos Aires) |    Pierre Schapira (Paris) |
Arno van den Essen (Nijmegen) |    Nessim Sibony (Orsay) |
Gennadi Henkin (Paris) |    Yum-Tong Siu (Cambridge,USA) |
Anders Olofsson (Lund) |    August Tsikh (Krasnoyarsk) |
Nils Øvrelid (Oslo) |    Alain Yger (Bordeaux) |
The conference will be held at the department of Mathematics at Stockholm University located at the small bay called "Brunnsviken" (building 5 and 6 in the official map). The buildings should not be mixed up with the main university building situated close to the underground station "Universitetet".
The nearest bus stop, called Albano, is located about 100 m from the department. The subway station Universitetet is about 1 km away.
A boat trip to the Drottningholm Palace, the private residence of the Swedish royal family, will be arranged on Tuesday. The trip will be followed by a banquet at Stallmästaregården, Stockholms oldest inn, dating from the mid-1600s.
Participation in the conference is free of charge. It is only for the banquet and for the excursion that a fee will be charged. However, anyone intending to participate in the conference is requested to register. This is particularly important for those who wish to take part in the conference dinner and/or the excursion.
If you want to participate, please register for the conference by sending an e-mail containing the following information to bjork2010@math.su.se
- Name
- Period of stay
- Whether or not you want to participate in the conference dinner and if you have special requests (vegetarian, allergies etc.) concerning food and drink.
- Whether or not you want to participate in the excursion
If you need accommodation in Stockholm, please use the link in the left margin.