The encounters
between the fields of analysis, geometry and topology are widespread and
often provide major impetus for breakthroughs in these domains. Impressive examples
include the exciting new developments in low dimensional topology related to invariants of links
and three and four manifolds; Perelman's spectacular proof of the Poincare conjecture; and
also the recent advances made in algebraic, complex, symplectic and tropical geometry.
This conference invites distinguished speakers representing major directions in analysis, geometry
and topology who, through their work, have contributed to establishing relations between these fields.
It also provides a pleasant opportunity to express admiration for the work and mathematical
interests of Oleg Viro who will be celebrating his 60th birthday this year.
Oleg Viro has made invaluable contributions to Swedish research by complementing the
country's long standing strong tradition of analysis with his own renowned expertise in topology
and areas of geometry: subjects not previously widely studied in Sweden.
Perspectives in Analysis, Geometry, and Topology
Stockholm University
May 19-25, 2008
Selman Akbulut (East Lansing)
Eric Bedford (Bloomington)
Alexander Degtyarev (Ankara)
Tobias Ekholm (Uppsala)
Charles Epstein (Philadelphia)
John Etnyre (Atlanta)
Ludwig Faddeev (Saint Petersburg)
Ronald Fintushel (East Lansing)
Gennadi Henkin (Paris)
Louis Kauffman (Chicago)
Viatcheslav Kharlamov (Strasbourg)
Boris Khesin (Toronto)
Askold Khovansky (Toronto)
Laszlo Lempert (West Lafayette)
Elliott Lieb (Princeton)
Paolo Lisca (Pisa)
Mikhail Lyubich (Toronto)
Robert MacPherson (Princeton)
Grigory Mikhalkin (Toronto)
Ngaiming Mok (Hong Kong)
Tomasz Mrowka (Cambridge)
Stefan Nemirovskii (Moscow)
Stepan Orevkov (Toulouse)
Michael Polyak (Haifa)
Nicolai Reshetikhin (Berkeley)
Alexander Shumakovitch (Washington)
Eugenii Shustin (Tel Aviv)
Stanislav Smirnov (Genève)
Gang Tian (Cambridge)

Anders Björner
Lennart Carleson
Ilia Itenberg
Burglind Jöricke
Ib Madsen
Mikael Passare
Marcus Wallenbergs stiftelse för
internationellt vetenskapligt
Stockholm University
Institut Mittag-Leffler